Sunday, August 03, 2008

ACPA Presentation Ideas?

Greetings and happy summer from Leilani Kupo and Jason Chan, the APAN Coordinators for ACPA Convention Programs!

We would like to encourage all of you to consider presenting a pre-convention workshop, general program, or roundtable at ACPA's 2009 Annual Convention: “Power to Imagine, Courage to Act”, to be held in the Metro Washington DC area.

Deadline for submission is Monday, September 8, 2008. Graduate students, faculty, and professionals of all levels alike are all encouraged to submit program proposals. To assist you with developing a proposal, both of us are available to speak with you to solidify ideas and connect you with others who may be interested in presenting on a topic with you. You may email Jason (mhtml:%7BC333F1B9-E8D2-4788-8DA0-5BD74617B249%7Dmid://00000027/! and/or Leilani (mhtml:%7BC333F1B9-E8D2-4788-8DA0-5BD74617B249%7Dmid://00000027/! by Monday, August 11, 2008 if:(1) You have a program idea but need help recruiting some co-presenters;(2) You would like to brainstorm ideas with us and other interested individuals; or,(3) You would like some models of past programs and proposals. In addition, we would like to encourage everyone to consider presenting on the following topics:
  • Desi/South Asian, Filipino/a, Pacific Islander, and multiracial/biracial student experiences
  • APA mental health
  • APA fraternity and sorority experience
  • Undocumented APIA students
  • 1st-generation APIA students
  • Religious/spiritual diversity of APIA students
These are areas in which there has been expressed interest in seeing presented at annual conference, are currently “hot” topics in the APA higher education community, or are relatively new areas of exploration in the student affairs field. If you have suggestions for other topics you would like to see presented, let us know!

Please do not hesitate to email us if you have questions or want to chat about your program ideas. Information on how to submit your proposal can be found on the convention website:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Regards, Jason Chan and Leilani Kupo APAN Co-Coordinators for ACPA Convention Programs

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