Sunday, August 03, 2008

New APIs in Higher Ed Listserve

Hi folks,

You should be getting an invitation in the next several days to join a yahoogroup called "APIs in Higher Education." PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS INVITATION. This yahoogroup was started as a collaboration between API leaders across higher ed professional organizations such as the NASPA, ACPA, NCORE, etc.

This yahoogroup serves as a general email list and a bridge across various professional organizations for APIAs in Higher Education. This list is an open list not tied to any professional organizations. The purpose of the list is to share information and make professional connections to one another. The list is to be used for general information, so as to prevent as much cross-listing between listservs as possible. While there may be some redundancy with email postings, the APIs in Higher Ed list is also intended to enable you to reach out to and stay connected with individuals beyond your own professional organization.

If you haven't received an invitation and would like to join, please visit or email:
Group home page:
Group email address:
You can send a request to join through the website or email me directly at mhtml:%7BC333F1B9-E8D2-4788-8DA0-5BD74617B249%7Dmid://00000013/! as I will serve as the administrator for this group.

On behalf of the leadership of the NASPA APIKC, the ACPA APA Network, and APINCORE, we hope that you will find this yahoogroup beneficial to all your professional endeavors.

Dawn Lee Tu
NASPA APIKC listserv administrator

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