Friday, September 19, 2008

OCA Lauds House Decision to Honor Asian American Service in Civil War


31 July 2008


Hope Chu
Senior Communications Manager
202 223 5500
hchu@ocanational. org

Sarah Smith
Communications Manager
202 223 5500
ssmith@ocanational. org


WASHINGTON DC—OCA, a national Asian Pacific American organization with over 80 chapters and college affiliates around the country, applauded the decision of the US House of Representatives to recognize Asian Pacific Americans who served in the US Civil War.

Historians have uncovered documentation of APAs serving during the Civil War on both sides, in both the Army and the Navy. Because of discrimination and laws such as the Naturalization Act of 1870 and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, many of these soldiers were denied US citizenship, pensions, and benefits, even after their service. HR 415 will honor two men of Chinese ancestry, Edward Day Cohota and Joseph L. Pierce, who fought in the Civil War.

“Asian Pacific Americans have struggled to have our contributions recognized. This resolution highlights the participation of APAs in one of the most iconic times in US history,” said Ginny Gong , OCA National President. “OCA thanks the House of Representatives, and especially the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus under the leadership of Representative Mike Honda (D-CA), for their action, which will ensure that the history of Asians in America is remembered fully and correctly.”

“HR 415 is the result of years of effort by many individuals to bring recognition and justice for these soldiers,” said Michael C Lin, OCA Executive Director. “In addition to the continued efforts to gain full recognition and benefits for Filipino soldiers serving under US command during World War II, this measure will continue to establish Asian Pacific Americans as an integral and important part of US history.”

Founded in 1973 as the Organization of Chinese Americans, OCA is a national organization dedicated to the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States .

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